Seeds of vegetables and pardons


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Allium ursinum (Buckrams,Wild garlic, Broad-leaved Garlic) seeds ღანძილის თესლები

Allium ursinum – known as ramsons, buckrams, wild garlic, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek, or bear’s garlic – is a wild relative of chives native to Europe and Asia. The Latin name is due to the brown bear’s taste for the bulbs and its habit of digging up the ground to get at them; they are also a favourite of wild boar. In Europe, where ramsons are popularly harvested from the wild, similarity to poisonous plants such as lily of the valley or Colchicum autumnale regularly leads to cases of poisoning.

Artichoke seeds არტიშოკის თესლები

Jerusalem artichokes are tubers which look a little like knobbly potatoes. They are also called earth apple, and are a species of sunflower native to eastern North America. They were first cultivated by the native Americans. Plants were taken to France in 1605 and by the mid-1600s, the Jerusalem artichoke had become a very common vegetable for human consumption in Europe.

Asparagus  seeds სატაცურის თესლები

In some countries people prefer to eat white asparagus (it stays white because it is grown covered in soil), but New Zealanders like it green and there is little, if any, white asparagus grown here. Purple asparagus is increasingly available in New Zealand.

Basil Seed  რეჰანის თესლები

There are many varieties of Ocimum basilicum, as well as several related species or species hybrids also called basil. The type used in Italian food is typically called sweet basil (or Genovese basil), as opposed to Thai basil (O. basilicum var. thyrsiflora),lemon basil  (O. citriodorum), and holy basil  (Ocimum tenuiflorum), which are used in Asia. While most common varieties of basil are treated as annuals, some areperennial in warm, tropical climates, including holy basil and a cultivar known as “African Blue Basil”.

Bean seeds  ლობიოს თესლები

Varieties of beans: 1) Snake or Chinese beans-These may be called yard-long beans, asparagus beans or long podded cow peas. These green beans are similar to regular green beans but are very long (30-50 cm). Supply is limited. They are used traditionally in Asian and Indian cooking. 2). Green beans (runner or dwar of beans) They are usually 10-15 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter with rounded pods. The pods are quite tender so it is not necessary to remove any strings. The complete pod is eaten although the ends can be trimmed if desired. 3) Butter beansSimilar in shape to regular green beans but they are very pale yellow/cream colour. The complete pod is eaten although the ends can be trimmed if desired. 4). French or flat beans-Usually about 15 cm in length, they are a flat pod with slightly ridged sides. Most newer cultivars have very few, if any strings, so the complete pod is eaten, although the ends can be trimmed. 5) Broad beans-The pod may be eaten if the beans are immature. When fully grown only the large and flat bean is eaten and the pod is discarded. The inside of the pod is soft and furry. To open the pod run a vegetable peeler quickly down the seam. Use gloves when podding to prevent staining of hands. Chefs often peel the beans.

Beetle seeds  ჭარხალის თესლებ

Several varieties are available with roots varying in shape from round to spherical. Flavour variations are very subtle. A golden beet variety exists but this is seldom seen commercially in New Zealand

Broccoli Seeds  ბროკოლის თესლები

This is the most popular variety and known just as broccoli. It has dark bluish-green heads with firm stalks that snap easily. Avoid using broccoli with yellowed leaves or yellow flowers through the buds.
– Romanesco broccoli is a variety that has light green clusters of heads that are pointed and look a bit like coral. Supply is limited.

Brussels sprouts Seed  ბრიუსელის კომბოსტოს თესლები

There are two main Brussels sprouts growing areas in New Zealand. The first is Ohakune, in the Central North Island. It tends to produce smaller hybrid sprouts with compact heads – about 30-45 mm. These come to the market earlier in the season and have a higher mustard oil content and therefore have a slight piquancy.

Cabbage seeds  კომბოსტოს თესლები

These are the most widely grown and are available all year round with a range of varieties ensuring a continuous supply. Drumhead is a popular variety with smooth compact leaves. Savoy has crinkly leaves with very good flavour.

Carrot seeds  სტაფილოს თესლები

Earliest records show carrots were purple; later records show red, yellow and white carrots
were grown. Orange is the main type found in New Zealand.

Cauliflower Seed  ყვავილოვანი კომბოსტოს თესლები

This is a hybrid mix of cauliflower and broccoli. The florets are bright green (lighter than broccoli) and packed into a round head like cauliflower. The flavour tends to be sweeter than cauliflower and broccoli. Supply is limited.

Celery seeds  ნიახურის თესლები

White celery, which farmers grew away from the sunlight, was the most common variety, and it is still popular in Europe. A green-stemmed celery was developed in the United States in the 1940s and was successfully introduced into New Zealand in the 1960s. New Zealanders prefer celery to be bright green. Varieties are now available with little or no stringiness.

Coriander Seed  ქინძის თესლები

The fresh leaves are an ingredient in many South Asian foods (such as chutneys  and salads); in Chinese and Thai dishes; in Mexican cooking, particularly in salsa and guacamole  and as a garnish; and in salads in Russia and other CIS  countries. In Portugal, chopped coriander is used in the bread soup Acorda , and in India, chopped coriander is a garnish on Indian dishes, As heat diminishes their flavour, coriander leaves are often used raw or added to the dish immediately before serving. In Indian and Central Asian recipes, coriander leaves are used in large amounts and cooked until the flavour diminishes. The leaves spoil quickly when removed from the plant, and lose their aroma when dried or frozen.

Corn Cob seeds  სიმინდი ტკბილის თესლები

In grain form, maize is the staple diet for American Indians in Mexico, Peru and Southern North America. A sweet version of maize was developed, resulting in the name sweet corn, and it became a popular fresh vegetable in the 1960s. Several varieties are available; some with white kernels and others with a mix of yellow and white kernels. Varieties differ in sweetness, and recently super-sweet varieties have become available.

Cucumber seeds  კიტრის თესლები

Cucumber we have six tipes: 1) Telegraph cucumber -This is the most popular cucumber and is grown under glass. It is long, usually 30–45 cm, and often individually wrapped in plastic because its skin is very soft and is easily damaged 2) Short cucumber-Sometimes this is called the standard or stubby cucumber. It is short and has a slightly uneven surface 3) Apple cucumber-This is a pale yellow cucumber with a diameter of around 9 cm and is about 12 cm long 4) Gherkin cucumber-This is very small, between 5–10 cm long 5) Lebanese cucumber-The Lebanese cucumber is green skinned, white fleshed and only 12–15 cm long 6)Mini cucumber-Mini or cocktail cucumbers are similar to Lebanese cucumbers. They are green skinned, white fleshed but only 9–11 cm long.

Dill  seeds  კამას თესლები

Dill grows up to 40–60 cm (16–24 in), with slender hollow stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves   10–20 cm (4–8 in) long. The ultimate leaf divisions are 1–2 mm (0.04–0.08 in) broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of fennel, which are threadlike, less than 1 mm (0.04 in) broad, but harder in texture. The flowers   are white to yellow, in small umbels  2–9 cm (0.8–3.5 in) diameter. Dill seed, having a flavor similar to caraway but also resembling that of fresh or dried dill weed, is used as a spice.

Eggplant seeds  ბადრიჯანის თესლები

I It is very common in southern European countries and is used in many traditional recipes; Greek – moussaka, French – ratatouille, Indian – baingan bharta, and Turkish – imam bayildi. It is actually a fruit, and contains many fine seeds. It has a mild taste and is typically cooked with stronger flavours such as garlic, tomatoes, onions, herbs and spices.

Fennel seeds  ცერეცოს თესლები

Fennel is used as a food plant  by the larvae  of some Lepidoptera species including in its native range the mouse moth and the Old-World swallowtail. Where it has been introduced in North America it may be used by the anise swallowtail.

Garlic seeds  ნიორის თესლები

Garlic dries out once detached. New Zealand garlic will still have roots – if a bulb is bald, with no roots, then it is imported. Each New Zealand grown bulb of garlic has had its roots trimmed, one at a time. Garlic is never labelled since it sheds its skin if a label is applied to it.

Ginger seeds ჯინჯერი

Ginger is a root crop that has a pungent spicy aroma and characteristic taste and fresh ginger is a key flavour in many Asian cuisines.
Myoga ginger is a traditional Japanese vegetable grown for both the shoots and flower buds. Freshly sliced myoga shoots and buds are commonly used in salads and miso soup.

Horse Radish seeds  პირშუშხას თესლები

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a penennial plant  of the Brassicaceae  family. The plant is probably native to southeastern Europe and western Asia.  It grows up to 1.5 metres (5 feet) tall, and is cultivated primarily for its large, white, tapered root. The intact horseradish root has hardly any aroma. When cut or grated, however,enzymes  from the now-broken plant cells causes changes. the enzymes break down sinigrin to produce mustard oil. Once exposed to air (by grating) or heat, it needs to be mixed with vinegar Otherwise it becomes unpleasantly bitter-tasting.

Sweet Potato Seeds კბილი კარტოფილის თესლები

There are different varieties of kumara, however, only three main varieties are commercially available in New Zealand. The most common is the red-skinned, Owairaka Red, which has a creamy white flesh and is sold as Red; gold kumara, sometimes sold as Toka Toka Gold, has a golden skin and flesh, and a sweeter taste than red; orange kumara, sometimes sold as Beauregard, has a rich orange flesh and is sweeter than both red and gold. Beauregard kumara can be used instead of yams in North American recipes.

Leek seeds  პრასს თესლები

The leek is a vegatable  a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum  the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem   or stalk.

Lettuce seeds სალათის თესლები

Originally from the Mediterranean region, lettuce has always been a popular vegetableThere are many lettuce varieties, with availability changing often. ‘Head’ lettuces – firm, tightly packed heads with a central core or heart and crisp leaves. Leafy lettuces – some have a small heart, such as buttercrunch, some do not and their leaves can be picked individually. Leafy lettuce has a soft texture and loose leaves. Other greens – such as endive, frisee and salad greens.

Melon seeds  ნესვის თესლები

Watermelon has smooth, green skin, and dark-pink juicy flesh with dark brown to black, flat glossy seeds. Seedless varieties are available. Skin colour varies with variety; some varieties have pale green skins and/or stripes. Yellow flesh varieties are also sometimes available.

Onion seeds  ხახვის თესლები

Roughly the same size or slightly larger than pickling onions, their skin colour ranges from coppery yellow to reddish brown. The bulbs are elongated or oval and are formed in several clusters or bulblets. Shallots have a more delicate, sweeter taste and finer texture than onions.

Parsley seeds  ოხრახუშის თესლები

Parsley is widely used in European, Middle Eastern and American cooking. . Curly leaf parsley is often used as a garnish. In central Europe, eastern Europe, and southern Europe, as well as in western Asia, many dishes are served with fresh green chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Root parsley is very common in central, eastern, and southern European cuisines, where it is used as a snack or a vegetable in many soups, stews, andcasseroles.

Pea seeds  ბარდას თესლები

peas are also known as mange tout, which translates into English as ‘eat all’. Both the seed (pea) and the pod are eaten. They are almost completely flat with little bumps where the peas are inside the pod. Differing varieties exist, some of which may be referred to as sugar peas or sugar snap peas. With some of these varieties the peas are more developed before harvesting. Snow peas are used in Asian cooking and salads.

Sweet Pea seeds  ცერცვის თესლები

We have 8  varietis of Peas: 1) Alfalfa and alfalfa sprout mixtures is by far the most popular sprout in New Zealand. They have a fresh crisp taste and are often combined with other flavours such as radish and onion. Yellowish alfalfa doesn’t mean that it is old, just that the leaves have not been exposed to enough light and the green chlorophyll has not yet developed. If the leaves are green, they’ve probably been under a fluorescent light for more than two days. Alfalfa sprouts are almost always used raw. 2) Snow pea shootsThese have the characteristic taste of snow peas and have long white shoots 5-7 cm long. They are used raw in salads and sandwiches and should be crisp and firm with no signs of browning. 3) Adzuki sprouts (aduki sprouts)-They are small and reddish-brown with short white shoots and no leaves. They have a nutty taste and can be eaten raw or cooked. Use them like nuts in salads. 4)  Baby mung sproutsThese are mung bean shoots with only a small white root and they still have an olive green coat on the bean. They are eaten raw or cooked. 5) Mung bean sprouts (Chinese mung beans) They have a long 3-5 cm shoot and the coat on the mung bean is a very pale green-yellow. They can be used cooked or raw. They are often used in stir fries. 6) Lentil sprouts-They are small, flat and blue-grey or light brown coloured seeds with a short shoot. They are crunchy and have a nutty taste. They can be used cooked or raw.7). Blue pea sprouts-They are blue-green peas with a short white sprout. The peas are crunchy with a strong, but tasty, pea flavour.8). Chick pea sprouts-These are a large white pea with a creamy nutty flavour. They are used in Mediterranean dishes and are the base for hummus.

Peppers seeds  წიწაკას თესლები

There are hundreds of varieties of chilli peppers and some are more suited to particular end uses than others. If using them raw it is essential to choose a variety that doesn’t have a tough skin. It is normal for many chillies to change colour as they ripen and the colour transition is often green to black/brown to red. The intensity of the heat also increases as the chilli ripens.

Physalis seeds  ფიზალისის თესლები

Many Physalis species are called groundcherries. One name for physalis peruviana  is Inca berry; another is Cape gooseberry, not to be confused with the true gooseberries, which are of the genus Ribes   in the family Grossulariaceae. Other names used to refer to the fruit are poha berries, and simply golden berries.

Potato Seed  კარტოფილის თესლები

The tomato is actually a fruit but is considered a vegetable because of its uses. They were affectionately known as pommes d’amour by the French, or apples of love. Today consumption of fresh and processed tomatoes is second to potatoes.

Sow thistle seeds  რაურიკის თესლები

Traditionally it was one of the staple green vegetables of the Maori and is still eaten today. Puha can be found growing wild. The ‘smooth’ leaved puha is the most popular, however, the slightly bitter and ‘prickly’ leaved puha is also eaten.

Pumpkin seedგოგრის თესლები

Pumkins we have8 variaties: 1) supermarket squash-they weigh about 1.5 kgs with a diameter of 10-15 cm, have orange flesh and a very sweet flavour 2) Buttercup squash-Generally 15-20 cm in diameter and weigh about 1.5 kg, the flesh is a fine-textured orange to dark yellow with a slightly sweet flavour 3) Butternuts-They have orange flesh and a sweet flavour. Flavour varies with variety, growing conditions and season. 4) Crown or Grey- Crown pumpkins are about 30 cm in diameter, 10 cm deep, and weigh about 4 kg. 5) Spagetti squash- They have pale yellow skin with light yellow flesh and are 20-30 cm long 6) Kumi Kumi- Kumi kumi are round to oval in shape with heavy ribbing. Immature kumi kumi are about the size of a tennis ball 7) Halloween pumpkin- These pumpkins have a bright orange skin that is very hard and knobbly. The flesh is very dense and is deep orange in colour. The most common variety is Red Warren. 8) Yummpkins- These are small and may have green, yellow or orange skins. There are many varieties of small squash that are increasing in popularity.

Radish Seeds  ბოლოკის თესლები

radishes are really a swollen stem rather than a root even though they grow underground. Thought to be a native of Asia, there are many varieties of radish that vary in size, shape, flavour and colour.

Rape seeds  თალგამურა  თესლები  

Rapeseed oil is used as diesel fuel, either as biodiesel straight in heated fuel systems, or blended with petroleum distillates for powering motor vehicles. Biodiesel may be used in pure form in newer engines without engine damage and is frequently combined with fossil-fuel diesel in ratios varying from 2% to 20% biodiesel.

Red Cabbage Seeds  წითელი კომბოსტოს თესლები

These are hard, tightly packed and crisp with dark red or crimson leaves. Traditionally they are cooked longer than green cabbages. Lemon juice, wine or vinegar can be added to preserve the red colour when cooked. They grow all year but are more plentiful in autumn and winter.

Rhubarb seeds რევანდის თესლები

Rhubarb is considered a fruit because it is usually eaten as a dessert, but it is actually a vegetable. Thought to be a native of Tibet, rhubarb is the leaf stalk (or petiole) of a perennial plant. The leaves are not eaten as they are poisonous

Silverbeet seeds  თეთრი  ჭარხალის თესლები

It is similar to spinach but has a stronger flavour. Silverbeet usually has a white stalk, however, red beet is sometimes available; it has the same green leaves but has a rich pink-red stem and veins. Silverbeet grows all year round and is easy to cultivate.

Soybean Seed  სოიოს თესლები

Flowering is triggeres by day length, often beginning once days become shorter than 12.8 hours. This trait is highly variable however, with different varieties  reacting differently to changing day lengthSoybeans form inconspicuous, self-fertile flowers which are borne in the axil  of the leaf and are white, pink or purple. Depending of the soybean variety, node growth may cease once flowering begins. Strains that continue nodal development after flowering are termed “Indeterminatesi” and are best suited to climates with longer growing seasons Often soybeans drop their leaves before the seeds are fully mature.

Sorrel seeds  მჟაუნას თესლები

Sorrel is a slender herbaceous perennial  plant about 60 centimetres high, with roots that run deep into the ground, as well as juicy stems and edible.

Spinach seeds  ისპანახის თესლები

We have two warieties of spinach: 1) Baby spinach -young spinach leaves are often included in salad mixes and sold with other salad greens. Baby spinach has round to oblong leaves with a mild flavour. 2) New Zealand spinach-this is a native that grows wild, has triangular leaves and trails over the ground. It is generally cooked as the leaves are coarse and slightly furry when raw. The flavour is similar to standard spinach.

Tarragon’s seeds  ტარხუნას თესლები

Tarragon grows to 120–150 cm (47–59 in) tall, with slender branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate  2–8 cm (0.79–3.15 in) long and 2–10 mm broad, glossy green, with an entire margin  The flowers are produced in small capitulae  2–4 mm diameter, each capitulum containing up to 40 yellow or greenish-yellow florets  French tarragon, however, seldom produces any flowers (or seeds).Some tarragon plants produce seeds that are generally only sterile . Others produce viable seeds. Tarragon hasrhizomatous   roots that it uses to spread and readily reproduce.

Tomato seeds  პამიდორის თესლები

The tomato is actually a fruit but is considered a vegetable because of its uses. They were affectionately known as pommes d’amour by the French, or apples of love. Today consumption of fresh and processed tomatoes is second to potatoes.

Turnip seeds  თალგამის თესლები

Turnips have a delicate flavour and are best eaten when young and tender as the flavour of older turnips is stronger.

Watercress seeds  იწმატის თესლები

Watercress is a rapidly growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic, perennialplant native  to Europe and Asia  and one of the oldest known leaf vegetables  consumed by humans. It is a member of thefamily Brassicaceae, botanically related to garden cress, mustard, radish and wasabi -all noteworthy for their piquant flavor.

Watermelon seeds  საზამთროს თესლები

The species originated in southern Africa, with evidence of its cultivation in Ancient Egypt.  It is grown in tropical and subtropical   areas worldwide for its large edible fruit, also known as a watermelon, which is a special kind of berry  with a hard rind and no internal division, botanically called a pepo. The sweet, juicy flesh is usually deep red to pink, with many black seeds, although seedless  varieties have been cultivated. The fruit can be eaten raw or pickled and the rind is edible after cooking.

Wild Radish Seeds  თვის ბოლოკის თესლები

Firm flesh with a bright colour and smooth, unblemished skin. The leaves, if they’re still attached, should be fresh, green and not wilted. Avoid oversized red radishes as these can be woody or pulpy.

the pst is made in by Qeta Khvedelidze

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